Tuesday, September 28, 2010

31 Lexington Avenue

Brianna, Brian and I walked around downtown this past Friday evening looking at spaces - window shopping. We saw a bunch of "For Lease," "For Rent" and "For Sale" signs at various locations, some more attractive than others. One of the places that we drooled over was the space right next to Tops on Lexington. Brianna believes that 31 Lexington used to be one of the storage areas for Tops. For some reason, that is no longer used for that. There is no signs that says the space is available for rent or lease. Brianna have been "deputized" to investigate this space. And this morning, she read about how the space next to it - 37 Lexington - will probably be used by the Lexington Avenue Brewery in the near future. Here's the article on Mountain Xpress.


  1. Though the dream hasn't died, I did a quick search for "31 Lexington" and apparently this space was bought by the company mentioned in the article that is turning them into apartments and retail space. No longer owned by my family friend (darn!)... Still maybe rent-able in the future, but from a company that, most likely, will be trying to make money off of their investment.

  2. A Dharma hall next door to a local bar? A part of me laughs and a part of me cries...

  3. Actualizing the non-duality of samsara and nirvana.

  4. Really... Beer and shoes. What more dangerous combination for excess and consumption? Maybe we could balance it out! We'll probably be hard pressed to find a space that isn't beside a bar, anyway. This is Asheville!
    One other spot we missed downtown, I think it is 63 N. Lexington. Used to be the ACRC back in the day (Asheville Community Resource Center). That got shut down, so I don't know how friendly the landlord is, and the doors aren't exactly... inviting, but it is cheaper than other things and has lots of space.

    All of this makes me think though... is this too early? Should we have firm commitments for funds, and a written business plan and even mission statement, before we actively seek out space downtown? I know we should definitely have a temperature of the retail market, but being 8 or so months from opening, and without clear funds or written plans from our side, are we putting the cart before the horse?
    ... Food for thought. Or really, just more reason to kick us into gear and get things sorted out...

  5. I think at this point, there is neither cart nor horse, or even path or load - yet. We are building the cart, we are raising the horse, we are building the road, we are identifying the load. So, we need to look at spaces (because that puts the word out there that we are looking for spaces - and we need the space ideally by mid-April if we are to "open" in June), we need to commit financially (we, as in each of us involved - no matter if it is $10 a month or $50, or $5), we need to craft the mission statement (which a few of us are working on), we need to make aspiration prayers, deepen daily practice, and stay focussed.
