Saturday, October 9, 2010

Hello everyone!

Kyle Peters here. Just wanted to post a quick note, and say what a great idea the center is! I just got back from taking refuge with H.E. Gaden Tripa Rizong Rinpoche at Drepung Loseling in Atlanta, GA. It was a really nice event, though I feel that I missed out on some of the subtleties of the ceremony because of the language barrier. Having a center nearby that's both accessible and informative would be a great help in understanding some of the more esoteric aspects of Tibetan Buddhism (especially to us small-town novices :] ). I'll be keeping an eye on its progress and jumping in with my two-cents from time to time. Good luck and lets keep the great ideas going!


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on formally going for refuge! Now you need to join our "refugee camp."
