Sunday, July 24, 2011

Buddhism and Sexual Ethics

This is a really good talk by Jose Cabezon on Buddhist Ethics as it relates to sexual conduct. Really good analysis; he comes up with a pretty good argument for rethinking the traditional, more restrictive interpretation on the conduct for lay people, to a less restrictive, and as he argues, actually, more traditional interpretation.

Basically, the more current formulation has restrictions on homosexuality, masturbation, and many forms of heterosexual conduct, as well. He argues that this comes in around the third century with Asanga and Nargajuna, and that, actually, analyzing the Pali and Sanskrit Sutras, that there is no mention of anything beyond basic adultery. Even that definition allows a fairly high degree of flexibility. He continues on, giving more reasons on the reinterpretation, and the audience asks a few good questions at the end.

Anyway, I personally have been thinking about a proper position on this issue for laypeople, and frankly, haven't really found anything I felt fit. He provides and excellent and well researched answer. Very nice.

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