Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dharma in the World

Words from Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche that are particularly relevant to our vision/understanding at Urban Dharma.

"As a follower of Siddhartha, you don't necessarily have to emulate his every action - you don't have to sneak out while your wife is sleeping."

"As we begin to understand the four views, we don't necessarily discard things; we begin instead to change our attitude towards them, thereby changing their value. Just because you have less than someone else doesn't mean that you are more morally pure or virtuous. In fact, humility itself can be a form of hypocrisy. When we understand the essencelessness and impermanence of the material world, renunciation is no longer a form of self-flagellation."

[Four views: all compounded things are impermanent, all afflicted emotions are painful, all things have no inherent existence, nirvana is peace/beyond concepts.] 

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